1 Click Learning | Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions explain what Employers can expect if they choose to apply for Kickstart Scheme funding. General guidance about the Kickstart Scheme for Employers with less than 30 job placements can be found on the GOV.UK website: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/apply-for-a-kickstart-scheme-grant-29-or-less-job-placements


In these terms and conditions, the following definitions apply:

The Delivery Partner means organisations working with the Employer to provide the services in this case it is 1 Click Learning Ltd.

The Employer means the organisation offering the job placement.

The Participant means the young person who is employed through the job placement.

Employer eligibility

Employer Pre-application and application to the DWP

Job placement criteria

Participant eligibility

Filling job placements

Multiple placements

Employment costs

Payment of Fees by the Employer for Services

Placement Support Services

Employment Service

Data protection